T e d a with e

T e d a with e

Samo najboljše je dovolj dobro za Terase. Izbrano in ročno obrano grozdje posebnih, s soncem obsijanih terasastih leg Vipavske doline, je osnova za linijo vin Terase. V vinih prefinjenega okusa, ki več kot 12 mesecev zorijo v lesenih hrastovih sodih, se zrcali vipavski terroir. Posebna tehnologija zagotavlja, da vina ohranjajo vse bogastvo sort in hkrati odražajo vpliv lege, na kateri je grozdje dozorelo. Zrela, strukturno bogata, a elegantna vina prepričajo še najbolj zahtevne ljubitelje vin. 

T e d a with e P i n e l a

The taste of Pinela is lively, rich, mineral, with a long aftertaste.

Smell: It is strongly composed, reminiscent of acacia flowers and dried citrus peels.

Taste: Vibrant, rich, mineral, with a long aftertaste.

Combination with food: Pinela is a nice complement to a variety of cold starters, pizzas and pastas.

Sort: 100 % Pinela

Temperatura: 15-18 °C

T e d a with e Z e l e n

Pravi, intenziven avtohtoni vipavski Zelen.

It is intense, intertwined with sensations of dried fruit, with sweet spices and traces of dried chamomile in the foreground.

Taste: Medium-rich, nicely composed and mineral.

Combination with food: Zelen is a good accompaniment to stews, fish, pasta and grilled vegetables.

Sort: 100 % Zelen

Temperatura: 15-18 °C

T e d a with e M a l v a z i j a

Smell: Strong. Lemon zest, acacia, green almond. Some notes of dried apple and cinnamon.

Taste: Full and pronounced. Some acidity keeps the liveliness and fruit character. A long, varietally characteristic aroma accompanies us on the finish.

Combination with food: Malvazijo močnega karakterja lahko ponudimo k širokemu naboru belega mesa, tudi k bolj mastnim pečenim ribam. Poda se k testeninam ali solati s hobotnico in morskimi sadeži.

Sort: 100 % Malvazija

Temperatura: 15-18 °C


T e d a with e S a u v i g n o n B l a n c


VonjLime and passion fruit. Fresh hay and grass clippings, too. Caramel and vanilla.

Taste: Aromatic, fresher, medium-bodied. It is long and pronounced, developing a characteristic varietal aroma - elderflower, passion fruit, citrus.

Combination with food: It is traditionally combined with soft or goat cheeses. It also goes well with poultry, red fish and crayfish. It also goes well with dishes spiced with parsley, basil, mint, thyme.

Sort: 100 % Sauvignon Blanc

Temperatura: 15-18 °C

T e d a with e C h a d d o n n a y

Smell: Ripe pineapple, baked apples, butter. Dry lemon rind in shade.

Taste: Soft, creamy texture, with a strong aroma. A gentle acidity keeps the wine lively. The first sensation is sweet, full. It is accompanied by a long fruity aroma. It is a chardonnay that reminds you of itself for a long time.

Combination with food: Recommended with white meat or strong fish accompanied by creamy sauces. It is suitable with grilled meats with more fat.

Sort: 100 % Chardonnay

Temperatura: 15-18 °C

T e d a with e R e b u l a

Smell: Intense scent of dried apricots, ripe tropical fruits, especially pineapple, papaya and almonds. Traces of yellow plums, dried lemon rind and Mediterranean spices.

Taste: Dry, mineral, with nicely present tannins that give a pleasant but light finish.

Combination with food: Perfect for fish-based dishes. Pairs well with grilled prawns and white meat-based dishes. Suitable for ham dishes and smoked products.

Sort: 100 % Rebula

Temperatura: 15-18 °C

T e d a with e P i n o t Mr d i with


Smell: Fresh apricot, quince, dried almonds.

Taste: A soft and creamy first impression, with some lively acidity. Strong, nicely rounded. A pleasant aroma of apricots and almonds accompanies us throughout.

Combination with food: It goes well with prawns, red fish, sea salads and octopus. It also goes well with veal, lamb and poultry seasoned accordingly.

Sort: 100 % Sivi Pinot

Temperatura: 15-18 °C


T e d a with e M e d l o t

Smell: Intenziven vonj po kavi, dimu in črnih češnjah.

Taste: Bogat, pikanten okus z močnim karakterjem, krepkega telesa, višjih kislin.

Combination with food: Merlot se lepo kombinira z divjačino, ovčetino, govejimi steaki ali karpačem. Je vino primerno za kombinacijo k jedem z močno dušo.

Sort: 100 % Merlot

Temperatura: 15-18 °C